Find Scripts

Here are some kick-ass websites to help you find a script, screenplay, teleplay, pilot, etc.

Writers Guild of America & Writers Guild Foundation
101 Greatest Screenplays of All Time
101 Greatest Screenplays of the 21st Century (*so far)
101 Funniest Screenplays
Writers Guild Foundation Library
You can read scripts there to see how they are formatted. You can search online or call ahead to see if they have it before you drive down there.
Writers Guild Foundation Blog
Actual scripts with breakdowns to check out if you’re speccing something:


Actor Point

Arc Studio Pro:
Best screenplays to read in every genre

Awesome Movie Scripts

BBC Scripts

Bulletproof Screenwriting

Drew’s Script-O-Rama

Go Into the Story/Blcklst

Horror Lair


Jericho Writers
30 screenplays for every screenwriter to read

Movies Scripts and Screenplays

65 TV pilots that Screenwriters should read

Screenplay Method

Screenplays For You

Script Reader Pro

Script Savant

Simply Scripts

Script Slug

Scripts on Screen

The Daily Script

The Screenplay Database

The Script Lab

Star Trek Scripts


The Television Pilot

TV Calling

TV Writing

If all else fails, do an ISO (In Search Of) on or another tracking board.
Even Reddit might be a good spot in a pinch.